Pragmatic Patient Practices, led by founder Anne-Marie Fitzalbert, is a self-help company which aims to solve all of life's issues through products and services designed to be the most pragmatic solutions on the market. The company mission statement reads as follows:

"We are trying to find ways to make the world a better, brighter place – and we really mean that. We design products that will help you get through the issues that are tripping you up in life. Each of our products is designed through extensive research and testing in order to best serve you."

Undermining itself at every turn, however, the work gave clues to its audience, both of its fictional intervention into reality and its underlying criticism of the commodification of mental health under the guise of self-help.

The work involved a number of components including large-scale installation, performance, video, new media and web based outcomes, sculptural objects, texts, and audio works.

The company website can be found at: